Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Monday, October 9, 2023

Cad Converters .plt .dwr

1.0          Draft View  Personal Design Viewer

Draftware Inc. - Legacy CAD Solutions

Converts .PLT and .DRW

BMP (Windows Bitmap Images)
DIB (Device-Independent Bitmap Images)
CAL, CG4, GP4 (CALS Group 4 Raster; Type I; MIL-STD-1840)
CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile - CALS Model)
DRW (Personal Designer, Personal Machinist, MicroDraft, microCADDS, 4Design)
DWG (AutoCAD native format; AutoCAD 2.5 through AutoCAD 2002®)
DXF (AutoCAD Data Interchange format)
GIF (CompuServe's Graphical Image File format)
HP-GL & HP-GL/2 (Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language files)
JPEG (Photo imagery standard widely used on the internet)
PCX (PC-Paintbrush native format)
WMF (Windows meta files)
EMF (Enhanced Windows 95/NT meta files)
SLD (AutoCAD Slide files)
TIFF (Tagged image file format)

2.0          ReaConverter

Download reaConverter — Get the Best of Image Conversion and Processing


3.0          TotalCADConverter

CAD Converter Software - Download by CoolUtils

Total CAD Converter converts CAD files to PDF, TIFF, JPEG, BMP, WMF, PNG, DXF, BMP, CGM, HPGL, SVG, PS, and SWF. Source formats include dxf, dwg, dwf, dwfx, plt, hg, hgl, hpg, plo, hp, hpl, hpgl, hp1, hp2, hpgl2, gl2, spl, svg, cgm.


Monday, September 18, 2023

Solidworks License manager LM


System Requirements | SOLIDWORKS

Upgrading the SolidNetWork License Manager

For major releases of SOLIDWORKS, upgrading the license manager consists of uninstalling the old license manager, installing a new one, and reactivating the SolidNetWork license.

The license manager for a newer release can distribute licenses for client computers remaining at the previous release as well.

  1. Start SolidNetWork License Manager by clicking Start > SOLIDWORKS Tools version > SolidNetWork License Manager Server.
  2. On the License Usage tab, verify that no client computers on the network are running SOLIDWORKS.
  3. Uninstall the old license manager. For details, see Uninstalling the SolidNetWork License Manager.
  4. Install the new license manager and reactivate the SolidNetWork license on the license manager computer. For details, see Installing the SolidNetWork License Manager Server.

If you are upgrading the SolidNetWork License Manager on a computer that also runs the SOLIDWORKS application, upgrade SolidNetWork license managers and clients before installing any new SOLIDWORKS application service packs on that computer.

If you are upgrading the license manager on a computer that hosts administrative images, upgrade the license manager before upgrading the administrative images. For details, see Using the Same Computer for the License Manager and Administrative Image Installations.

Autocad Paragraph option is not available by default in the text editing options for multiline attributes



The Paragraph option is not available by default in the text editing options for multiline attributes.


Adjust the ATTIPE system variable to 1.

This enables the Mtext editing menu for multiline attributed text, so that you can click the line spacing button on the expanded text formatting menu.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Add Excel Calculation with values expressed in different units (KB, MB, GB)


Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Thunderbird to Microsoft

 Total Thunderbird Converter by ✅ Convert MBOX Files Easily! 👌

Converter .plt to dwg

 CAD Converter Software - Download by CoolUtils

REM *** Start .bat file

REM Change Server and Printername below as needed

net use lpt1: "\\Server\Printername" /PERSISTENT:YES

REM Copy .plt files to the location below or change the path to whatever you want and copy the .PLT REM files to the path. 

copy "C:\PLT\*.plt" lpt1

net use lpt1: /d


REM *** End .bat file

Friday, March 10, 2023

Ping Ip address and get computer name

 Ping -a 

Monitor discovered apps with Intune find which computers have an app

 Monitor discovered apps with Intune

Intune provides an aggregated list of detected apps on the Intune enrolled devices in your tenant.

Sign in to the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center.

Select Apps > Monitor > Discovered apps.

Monday, February 6, 2023

AutoDesk Desktop Connector and AddinProcess.exe

Desktop Connector uses the AddinProcess.exe 

This is normal operation for Desktop Connector.  These AddinProcess.exe are a normal Microsoft component for running out of process addins which Desktop Connector utilizes:

They do not shut down by themselves even when Revit and the add-in is terminated and they consume memory because they are not associated with Revit, they are associated with Desktop Connector.

Friday, January 6, 2023

AutoDesk Desktop Connector clean up shell folders Uninstall


Removes old folders:

C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Desktop Connector\ShellCleanup.exe

Desktop Connector Support | Desktop Connector | Autodesk Knowledge Network

A clean uninstall and reinstall of the Autodesk Desktop Connector | Desktop Connector | Autodesk Knowledge Network

Uninstall DTC the application through the Control Panel.

Delete the following folders: 

C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Desktop Connector

C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Web Services\DesktopConnector

%userprofile% Delete ACCDocs

HKEY_CURRENT_USER>SOFTWARE>Autodesk>Autodesk Desktop Connector

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SOFTWARE>Autodesk>Desktop Connector

Run Microsoft Uninstall too to make sure Desktop connector is completely removed. See: Fix problems that block programs from being installed or removed

Reboot the computer before reinstalling the application.

Reinstall Desktop Connector. 

PowerShell get the MSI codes for installed products.

 Get-WMIObject -Query "SELECT * FROM Win32_Product" | FT