Wednesday, October 21, 2015

ProSteel to SolidWorks. Importing Prosteel into SolidWorks

1.0          Bentley ProSteel AutoPLANT to solids ACIS

1.1          Open file and saveas a NEW NAME. This procedure will convert the object in the file to NON Bentley objects depending on settings.
1.2          Bind xrefs > Explode blocks you want to convert > Purge audit save.

1.3          Only object visible will be converted. Set up .DWG accordingly.

1.4          ProSteel > Prostructures Tab > 2D > Create ACSI file.

1.5          Bentley AutoPLANT use Copyasacis to convert pipe to solids.

1.6          Export in AutoCAD to .SAT or use AutoCAD Mechanical and “stepout”. to save as Step .STP

Solid kernel objects will be created and the original
Objects are hidden. You may
display them with PS_REGEN!
Select all objects to derive
Acis objects from:
Select objects: Specify
opposite corner: 531 found, 216 groups
Select objects:
Do you want to generate one
body per group?  No,<Yes>y
Shall the part resolution
remain? Otherwise the highest resolution will be
used. No,<Yes>y
Do you want to delete the
original parts from the converted solid kernel parts?
If not, they will be just
hidden. No<Yes>n
Do you want to have the solid
kernel parts on the same layer as the original
parts? No, <Yes>y


2.0         Open DWG in Solidworks

Import as new
3d curves or Model