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Tuesday, June 26, 2018
NavisWorks nightly file creation list append list in batch file
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Navisworks Simulate 2016\FiletoolsTaskRunner.exe you could manually make this batch as files change.
Batch file create a list of all the DWG files in a folder and all the subfolders.
Let me know if you have a better way.
NavisWorks nightly file creation list
1. Make a list of dwg files on folders and subfolders.
REM Create File list. /s subdir, /b no header, \*.dwg to folder path, >> append
dir "C:\1\*.dwg" /s /b >> "C:\List2.txt"
dir "C:\2\*.dwg" /s /b >> "C:\List2.txt"
2. Create second list with file names like OLD and CORRUPT removed
REM Delete lines with certain strings, /v prints only lines that do not contain a match., /I ignore case.
findstr /V /I "RECOVER VOID OLD CLASH CORRUPT" "C:\List2.txt" > "C:\List.txt"
3. Delete and Append each folder to new list every night.
Del "Path\List2.txt"
Call "Path\FOLDER1.BAT"
Call "path\FOLDER2.BAT"
4. Use Task Scheduler to run CALL.BAT then 10 min later run REMOVE_FILES.BAT then 10 min later CALL.BAT
5. Navisworks batch
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Navisworks Simulate 2016\FiletoolsTaskRunner.exe
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Navisworks Simulate 2016\FiletoolsTaskRunner.exe /i "C:\List.txt" /osd /log "C:\NAV.log" /appendlog /version 2014
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