Friday, February 5, 2016

The current Drawing is already registered in the document registry with document ID

The AutoPLANT error "The current Drawing XXXXXX is already registered in the document registry with document ID XXXXX" (seen Below) occurs when the drawing's name and Doc ID differ from drawing name and Doc ID in the database. The error can be easily corrected.

To resolve this error please use the following steps:

1.Move the drawing to a different location. Tip: The local desktop is suitable and convenient location
2.Open AutoCAD
3.Turn on Drawing Access Mode by going to AutoPLANT 3D>Drawing Access Mode. Activating Drawing Access Mode will open the project selection prompt every time AutoPLANT is started
4.Open the drawing from AutoCAD
5.Start AutoPLANT
6.When prompted for a project: chose Configuration. Then choose the Project which has the same units as the drawing.
7.Once open, save the drawing then close.
8.Open Relation Ship Manager
9.Delete instances of the drawing out of the project to remove drawing data from the project database. Moving the drawing to a different location in step 1 will prevent it from being deleted in this step. When deleting the drawings: ensure that the drawings deleted are duplications not a different drawing with the same name.
10.Start AutoCAD
11.Open the drawing
12.Start AutoPLANT
13.When prompted choose project then choose the original project
14.Once open save the drawing and close
15.Use Relation Ship Manager to move the drawing from your desktop to the previous location

The drawing is now is in the project with a new DOC_ID and it should not display the error when opening.

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