Thursday, June 25, 2015

Project database error ATDB0816: The current drawing is already registered or ATDB0619 msvbvm60

ATDB0816: The current drawing is already registered in Document register with a document ID
Try opening the current drawing with this project using one if the following ways:
1) Use Relationship Manager to add this drawing to the project.
2) Change current drawing location or name and try opening again.

Repair\Add a drawing to a Bentley Project
Copy the drawing on your desktop (can copy project file also) Purge and audit.
Open Document Manager, open project, delete file from project, close Document Manager.
Open the Relationship Manager (the project should not be opened with Document Manager)
Select Tools, Document Tools, Add to Project and select the file on your desktop
Expand the plus sign, and check both boxes
Then on the first line select the Target location ie At_Pipe
Click Add

ATDB0619 msvbvm60
uninstall and reinstall Bentley AutoPLANT

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