Friday, January 14, 2011

vray line resolution

Change the resoultion to 900x500 -Set the Adaptive rQMC image samplers min dubdiv to 2.Now thinner lines can be rendered correctly.

-Change the preset of the Irradiance map to Medium from Low.Set 50 to the HSph subdiv to achive higher quality GI.

-Use value 1200 for the Light cache subdiv.Change the Sample size to 0,006 ,now small details will be more visible. Use value 1000 to the Pre-filter option to reduce noise.We have a lot of glossi rays so check the "Use light cache for glossi rays" option./it will speed up rendering/ For the Filter use the "None" possibility.

-At the rQMC sampler use value 0,005 for noise treshold. Set the Global subdivs multiplier to 4 ,it will increase samling quality everywhere in the scene.

-You can find the Light properties in System>Lights settings. Changing the diffuse subdivision of the lights wil effect the number of the traced photons.

-Change all the vraylights subdivison to 15 or 20 to avoid noisy parts.

-Change all the materials subdivs to 20 in the Reflection section. With these settings the rendertime will increase a lot according to test render settings. Now hit F9 and wait until the calculation finishes.

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