Monday, January 31, 2011

Autocad Dialog boxes do not open navigation dialog boxes command line only Acad

Set variable

1 Displays dialog boxes
0 Does not display dialog boxes
Autocad Dialog boxes do not open navigation dialog boxes command line only
Suppresses display of file navigation dialog boxes.
0 Does not display dialog boxes. You can still request a file dialog box to appear by entering a tilde (~) in response to the command's prompt. The same is true for AutoLISP and ADS functions.
1 Displays dialog boxes. However, if a script or AutoLISP/ObjectARX™ program is active, an ordinary prompt is displayed.

Settings for a "Save As" dialog box?
Open goes to text and not dialog box.
When I go to File and Save As, I no longer get the dialog box to choose the path to save the file in. I am now presented with options in the command line where I must choose the format and type the full path in order to save the file. The same occurs when I am trying to open a file.

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